
Advanced Troubleshooting with Modern Meters & Wiring Level 3
Level 3 of the GlennCo Certification of Electrical Wiring Interconnection Systems on Transport Category Aircraft
This 20 hour Level 3 training prepares you for the highest level of troubleshooting training Boeing offers in Charleston, S C
Electrical failures represent about 20%- 25% of all unscheduled maintenance if recorded and not put into a specific ATA chapter. The following GlennCo training provides a new method found in AMM 20 and steps to quickly make determination of the Health of the circuit and components in Boeing aircraft. New predictive testing also.
EWIS Components affected by unseated connector/Burndy pins, broken pin locks, poor crimps, broken wiring strands, corrosion, chaffing, connector arc carbon tracking, broken connector grommets, Kapton wire carbon arc faults, pitted relay and switch contacts and burnt pins.
New procedures and tools in AMM 20-10-80 for on wing testing of switches internal limit switches and relays for degradation. Theory, and fundamentals of aircraft wiring types and breakdown failures along with functional operational testing per Boeing procedures in AMM 20-10-80.Standard wire tests ( open circuit testing) with digital meters are reactive and ineffective. Examples of low voltage and low current testing per FIM that give inaccurate circuit condition.
New procedures in AMM 20-10-80 covering theory, fundamentals and functional operation of the Fluke automatic meters model 298 will be presented. Stray voltages and resistances in aircraft wiring as a capacitive coupling effect with unloaded digital meters giving false readings GHOSTS. Understanding importance of wire separation categories and wire modifications to be followed per SWPM chapter 20 and review of color categories for bundle ties and separations by Boeing airplane types.
Theory of wire and cable separation as well as the fundamenatls of Boeing wire separation categories. Functional wire separation bundle color markings from old and New generation Boeing Aircraft and shielding requirements on New Generation Boeing aircraft for HIRF and EMI protection.Modern tools to allow elimination of stray voltage and circuit loading when testing for a voltage drop method of effective troubleshooting.
New procedures in Boeing AMM chapter 20 -10-39 and tooling. Fluke meter 298 with detailed user guide for circuit loading, Lo 50 ohm testing for wire resistance along with MIN MAX recording and manual mode settings for troubleshooting. Ghost voltage elimination with Loz function and SV225 as an alternative adapter on standard fluke meters.OHMS law review for voltage, amperage, resistance , power with proper methodology of relationship between them. C24010-1 Omni Load Tester tool for voltage drop test with external loads. Demonstrations with the theory, fundamentals of circuit loading and functional testing examples at 10 ma and 30 vdc volts for lighting, relay ,and actuator testing.Switch and relay contact degradation and restoration. Concept of surface contact oxidation removal using wetting current at 12 v and 10ma of current to clean and restore the surface and resistance levels to normal valves when failing resistive checks. Fluke 289 testing in Relative mode for switches and relays at 50ohms settings. Repeatability to known good wiring or switches /relays. Establishing baseline 3 testing method over 10 seconds for heath check testing. Covering in class theory , fundamentals and tool functions hands on presentation.B767 equipment cooling testing for valve switch voltage drop and motor operation transition times. Tool use with back pinning using fluke TP 88 tips into the Hi density block test ports and connectors. Examples for MEL of valves and troubleshooting techniques using jumper MEL plugs on each valves and testing voltage drop in the P 50. Complete equipment cooling WDM for the 6 valves review for testing.

Insulation resistance testing (IRT) wire, cable, testing, theory . Fluke 1587 FC meter training fundamentals and functional testing. Safety in aircraft when testing for explosive environments. AMM20-10-39 Insulation Resistance.Dielectric absorption testing DAR testing fluke 1587FC for quality predictive health checks.
Theory of testing and fundamentals in wiring and wiring component checks for health and predictive maintenance per AMM 20-10-39.Megger DAR training theory, fundamentals, and functional usage and testing with sample harnesses. Review fundamentals of testing per AMM 20-10-39 and fluke meter 1587 FC.
Review of Boeing SL 56-016. Sample troubleshooting for circuit spoiler wiring B757/B767 and torque motor coil checks for DAR system health and connector /contacts , and component spoiler module. Megger Dar coil LVDT checks of windings auto pilot servos, Throttle lever angle resolvers and engine feedback SVA PW 2000 and TRA reverser LVDTs. IRT of wiring isolated from components. FIM PW 2000 component diagrams for excitation coils and secondary feedback coils for connection points to test.
Motor windings testing examples with 500, 1000 volts 1587FC fluke and 2500 volts with MIT 2500 or fluke 1550 meter and using a Acoustic Imager ii900 camera and acoustic detector UL101 to find shorts at hi frequency. Theory, and fundamentals along with tool functional use.
Thermal Imaging -theory, fundamentals and Functional testing with tool per AMM 20-10-75 for finding electrical hot spots in EWIS electrical systems for relays, terminals, motors, bearings and wire connections.
Fluke Pro 3000 analog tone and probe kit for wire/ data bus tracking tool theory, fundamentals and testing.
Knowledge test
20 Hour Course Training Courses Delivered at the Customers Location World Wide Pricing up on request ​​​​